Betronic Group announces new CEO

Jasper de Jonge will succeed Paul Vroling as CEO of the Betronic Group as of 1 January 2024. Paul will remain closely involved with Betronic and will focus on the development of the strategy.

Development and Production
The core of Betronic is and remains custom-made; the development and production of innovative electronics that arise from a customer-driven demand. In addition, we have our own proposition in the E-Bike business and a proposition under development in Energy Management Solutions.

E-Bike Solutions
Within the E-Bike Solutions business line, we offer the entire range of electronic products for an E-Bike, such as Display and Control Buttons, Electronic Control Units, Motors and Connectivity Modules – in this case, a complete E-Drive system. In our ‘standard’ product range, there is room for customer-specific wishes regarding, for example, a display or the handling of the bike, etc. We are always responsible for the entire E-Drive system – even if we include external products in our E-Drive system. We focus on the bicycle brands in Europe.

Energy Management Solutions
We are currently in the process of setting up a separate business in Energy Management Solutions. This is a Smart Device in combination with a battery that can manage and optimize energy flows in a home or commercial building between solar panel, heat pump, hot water supply and charging station.

The Betronic Group has a development centre with 40 employees in Amsterdam and 2 production locations: Zwaag with 45 employees and Suzhou with 50 employees. 

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