Due to further growth in our production, both at our production location in Kunshan and in Zwaag at Expice – PCB Assemblage , Mies Versloot has further strengthened our Supply Chain team and would like to introduce herself to you:
Since March 1st I have been working at Betronic Amsterdam as an account manager Supply Chain for various customers of Betronic B.V.
I studied mathematics at the University of Amsterdam in Amsterdam.
In this study I developed a lot of analytical skills, but I still missed the part where I could put this knowledge into practice.
This is exactly what I do find in my work as an account manager Supply Chain at Betronic.
Furthermore, it is a nice environment where I can learn a lot in the field of Supply Chain and where everyone is open to explain more to me in the technical field.
In addition to my work at Betronic, I have been playing basketball intensively at BC Apollo in Amsterdam for almost 20 years.
Hope to see you soon!